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Jasper reviews the vintage now being offered. “All other things being equal, I would recommend going large in 2022, large in the sense of a broad range because there are so many really good wines at all levels.”

– What were the Challenges?
– How well did the producers respond?
– Just how good are the wines ?
– Where are the sweet spots
– And what about prices…?

Join us for an in-depth discussion on the 2023 harvest in Burgundy and Champagne, introducing Steve Pritchard, our first Outside Burgundy external contributor:

  • Climate talking points
  • What’s happening in the market place?
  • Future plans


  • 6pm (UK) on 26th September

Watch the video replay here.

Join us for an in depth review and discussion with our Champagne expert Steve Pritchard for the below wine list. His previous tasting reports on the JMIB website can be found on the JMIB website’s Tasting Reports page.

Wine List:

  1. Bereche Le Cran 2014 Ludes 1er Cru (disgorged: July 2021)
  2. Bereche Ay 2014 Grand Cru (disgorged: November 2021)
  3. Bereche Ambonnay 2016 Grand Cru (disgorged: July 2021)
  4. Egly Ouriet 2012 Grand Cru (disgorged: July 2021)
  5. Egly Ouriet 2004 Grand Cru magnum
  6. Cedric Bouchard Roses De Jeanne ‘CER-Creux d’Enfer’ Rose de Saignee 2018 #3611 (disgorged: 2022)
  7. Cedric Bouchard RDJ #01 Brut Nature #3611
  8. Jerome Prevost La Closerie Fac-simile Rose (LC13) NV
  9. Jacques Selosse Millesime 2005 (disgorged: 26 Nov 2015)
  10. Guillaume Selosse Largillier (disgorged: 6 Jul 2017)
  11. Ulysse Collin Les Maillons 2015 (15/1) #679 (disgorged: Mar 2019)
  12. Ulysse Collin Les Enfers 2016 (60 months) (disgorged: Feb 2022)
  13. Ulysse Collin Le Jardin d’Ulysse 2016 (60 months) (disgorged: Feb 2022)
  14. Ulysse Collin Les Roises 2016 (48 months) (disgorged: Mar 2021)
  15. Ulysse Collin Les Roises 2016 (60 months) (disgorged: Feb 2022)

Watch the video replay here.

Wine Line Up:

1. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Clos des Ducs 2019
2. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Caillerets 2015
3. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Clos des Ducs 2015
4. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Clos des Ducs 2012 magnum
5. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Taillepieds 2010 magnum
6. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Champans 2009
7. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Champans 2005
8. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Clos des Ducs 2005
9. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Taillepieds 1999
10. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Clos des Ducs 1999
11. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Champans 1991
12. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Clos des Ducs 1990
13. Marquis d’Angerville Volnay 1er Cru Clos des Ducs 1969
14. Michel Lafarge Volnay Clos des Chênes 1990

Wine List:

1. Pierre Boisson Meursault Les Grands Charrons 2017
2. Henri Germain Meursault 1er Cru Perrières 2017
3. Boisson Vadot Meursault Les Chevalières 2014
4. Lafon Meursault 1er Cru Bouchères 2014

5. Roulot Meursault Clos du Haut Tesson Mon Plaisir 2012
6. Lafon Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières 2012
7. Vincent Dancer Meursault 1er Cru Perrières 2012
8. Henri Germain Meursault 1er Cru Perrières 2012

9. Morey Blanc Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières 2002
10. Lafon Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières 2002
11. Lafon Meursault 1er Cru Perrières 2002
12. Henri Germain Meursault 1er Cru Perrières 2002

13. Sylvain Pataille Marsannay l’Ancestrale 2019
14. Comte Armand Pommard 1er Clos des Epeneaux 2010
15. Domaine de la Pousse d’Or Volnay 1er Clos de la Bousse d’Or 2002
16. Hubert de Montille Pommard 1er Rugiens 1985

Watch the video replay here.

Zoom Wines:
1. Puligny Montrachet Les Enseignères 2018
2. Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières 2018
3. Meursault Village 2014
4. Meursault Village 2011
5. Meursault 1er Cru Genevrières 2011
6. Meursault Les Chevalières 2009
7. Blind Wine

Dinner Wines:
9. Meursault Village 2005
10. Meursault Les Rougeot 2005
11. Meursault Village 2002
12. Meursault Village 1999

13. Meursault 1er Cru Caillerets 1996
14. Meursault 1er Cru Perrières 1997
15. Meursault 1er Cru Perrières 1993
16. Corton-Charlemagne Grand Cru 1999

Watch the video replay here.

Which is now a very warm front, after the recent cold snap. Another White Christmas goes begging. Mind you, my Christmas will be both red and white, with a little port thrown in, as well as bubbles.

I have finally finished all my tastings of the 2021 vintage and am completing writing up all the notes. Despite the short harvest, I shall be bringing you just about as many notes as last year, to help you make your choices as merchants start to offer the 2021 vintage for sale.

Webinar on the 2021 vintage: Wednesday 4th January  @ 6pm GMT

A great evening with Pierre Duroche guiding us through the below line up of wines.

Domaine Duroche Wine Line Up:

1. Domaine Duroché Gevrey–Chambertin Aux Etelois 2017
2. Domaine Duroché Gevrey–Chambertin Aux Etelois 2015
3. Domaine Duroché Gevrey–Chambertin 1er Cru Lavaux St Jacques 1923 VV 2017
4. Domaine Duroché Gevrey–Chambertin 1er Cru Lavaux St Jacques 1923 VV 2015
5. Domaine Duroché Gevrey–Chambertin 1er Cru Lavaux St Jacques 1923 VV 2014 Magnum
6. Domaine Duroché Latricières-Chambertin 2015
7. Domaine Duroché Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2017 Magnum
8. Domaine Duroché Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2016
9. Domaine Duroché Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2014
10. Domaine Duroché Griotte-Chambertin 2012

Wines Tasted:
1) Nicolas Jay, Momtazi Pinot Noir 2018
2) Nicolas Jay, Nysa Pinot Noir 2018
3) Nicolas Jay, Bishop Creek Pinot Noir 2018
4) Méo Camuzet, Morey Saint-Denis 2016
5) Méo Camuzet, Vosne Romanée 1er Cru Les Chaumes 2016
6) Méo Camuzet, Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru 2016
7) Méo Camuzet, Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru 2016
8) Méo Camuzet, Vosne Romanée 1er Cru Aux Brûlées 2016
9) Méo Camuzet, Richebourg Grand Cru 2016
10) Méo Camuzet, Vosne Romanée 1er Cru au Cros Parantoux 2016

An introduction to the 2020 Burgundy Vintage with Jasper Morris MW, and Jason Haynes, Stannary Wine Burgundy Buyer.

Wines tasted during the discussion.

1. Domaine Lafouge Auxey Duresses Blanc ‘Les Hautes’
2. Domaine Rapet Pernand Vergelesses Blanc 1er Cru En Caradeux
3. Domaine Rapet Pere et Fils Pernand-Vergelesses Premier Cru Ile des Vergelesses Rouge

Visit Stannary Wine for more virtual tasting info: https://www.stannarywine.com/virtual-tastings/

An incredible evening of @domainegrivot wines with Mathilde Grivot and Jasper Morris MW guiding us through a superb array of wines.

Such consistency and superb PQR for what is incredible in such appellations these days.

1. Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts 1er Cru 2015
2. Vosne-Romanée Aux Brûlées 1er Cru 2015

3. Vosne-Romanée Aux Reignots 1er Cru 2016
4. Vosne-Romanée Les Suchots 1er Cru 2012

5. Nuits-St-Georges Aux Boudots 1er Cru 2009
6. Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru 2005

7. Echezeaux Grand Cru 2012
8. Richebourg Grand Cru 2017

9. Vosne-Romanée Les Beaux Monts 1er Cru 2010
10. Vosne-Romanée Aux Reignots 1er Cru 2007
11. Vosne-Romanée Les Suchots 1er Cru 2007
12. Echezeaux Grand Cru 2007

13. Richebourg Grand Cru 2016
14. Richebourg Grand Cru 2010
15. Richebourg Grand Cru 2009
16. Richebourg Grand Cru 2007
17. Richebourg Grand Cru 2000
18. Richebourg Grand Cru 1991

Join us for a truly special tasting of the following wines under the guidance of Dominique Lafon of Domaine des Comtes Lafon and Jasper Morris MW.

Wine List: 

1. Meursault 1er Charmes 2017
2. Meursault 1er Porusots 2017
3. Meursault 1er Perrieres 2014

4. Meursault 1er Genevrieres 2009
5. Meursault 1er Genevrieres 2002
6. Meursault 1er Perrieres 2002

7. Meursault 1er Charmes 1996
8. Meursault 1er Genevrieres 1996
9. Meursault Clos de la Barre 1993
10. Meursault Desiree 1978

11. Meursault 1er Charmes 1992
12. Meursault 1er Perrieres 1992
13. Montrachet 1992

14. Volnay 1er Santenots du Milieu 2002
15. Volnay 1er Champans 1999
16. Volnay 1er Santenots du Milieu 1990
17. Volnay 1er Champans 1989
18. Volnay 1er Santenots du Milieu 1985

Watch the video replay here.